
Paid Promotion of Online Pet Shop

Blog Online and off-line marketing

Targeted advertising works well, aimed at a certain category of online pet store users.

Lifehack: experts urge not to make the mistake characteristic of most novice sellers. It is necessary to advertise not a point of sale, but a specific product. The buyer is more likely to click on a link with the words “Treat your pet with venison delicacy!” than click on “Our new pet store is waiting for you!”.

Banners and promotional posts

No less effective method – advertising in thematic groups / blogs in social networks. The main thing is to choose communities and influencers with active subscribers.

Lifehack: it is recommended to start cooperation not with bloggers with millions of people, but with microinfluencers with a number of readers of about a few thousand people. They have a more loyal audience and it’s easier to negotiate cooperation with them. When your online pet store is promoted, you will be able to attract more famous personas.

E-mail marketing

Collect data about the customers of your online store. To do this, place a form on the page of the web resource to send newsletters. Analyze the received data to form a demanded assortment of pet store. The letter is more likely to attract a buyer if it contains useful information. For example, in a newsletter about cat litter, explain the benefits of different types of products and how to choose the right litter for your pet.

Important: To avoid alienating your customers with an abundance of unwanted emails, be sure to ask for confirmation that they are ready to receive information from the online pet store.

Lifehack: it will be a plus if when sending letters you will form personalized offers that may interest a particular recipient.

If you want to “promote” online pet store, take into account: there is no single effective promotion tool that will give a hundred percent guarantee. To achieve results, it is necessary to try different options, combine them, look for your own method.

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